Trade Like a King and dominate the stock market

Commonwealth Traders compete in the stock market using a simple trade plan, easy to follow strategy and with powerful indicator setup to guide them through the trade from entry to exit. 

Our 3 Core Focus

In order to become a Commonwealth Trader you must be obsess with establishing and developing three key structures.

Trade Plan

1. We have develop a Kingdom Trade Plan template that will allow you to become a King who knows how to rule its domain and discover a unique rulership in the stock market. Being all knowing is one superpower of a professional.

Strategic Execution

2. A King uses his resources and strategize the best way to conquer and expand his Kingdom. We have built powerful indicators to guide each trade. A chess grand master knows their next 13 moves so to be King of the market you need to know yours.

Trading Edge

3. A King decrees by writing what he writes become law. Their rulership is soveriegn when the King's plans are executed exactly as it is written. The same is true in trading the stock market. Strategic execution of a trade plan will be your Kingdom edge.

Who We Are

What is Commonwealth Trader?

Commonwealth Traders are Kingdom minded Citizens building a community where wealth is common. The Kingdom is a place to grow in the wisdom of through mentorship with all things about stock trading, trading psychology, and creating a source of income through day trading. is a solution that provides the best way to learn day trading with a simple detail trade plan, strategy, execution and edge coupled with tools that assist in navigating through the entries and exits of a trade.

Wealth creation should be available to every country in the world.

Join us in our conquest to expand the reach of The Commonwealth Trader Kingdom to all the parts of the world and bring financial stability to humanity.

A Kingdom Divided Will Not Stand A True Kingdom is a Commonwealth

We believe that day trading the stock market is one of the best way to create income to live the lifestyle you desire. In a true Kingdom you have freedom and having financial stability provides it. 

Why Choose

The Kingdom Operates With Laws

A true Kingdom becomes powerful when its citizens follow laws and rules. By virtue of obedient will bring success and breath professional traders. 

Kingdom Education

We teach Kingdom methedology with trader standards, trading laws, and ironclad rulership mind.

Kingdom Indicators

Citizens of a Kingdom have access to every resource it provides, creates and produces. A good King provides all things for trading citizen to become successful trading professional.

Kingdom Accountability

Kingdom community that live with trader standards and live up to the laws of trading to become a professional.